An unusual cool front moved in for the weekend and we had these big, puffy-cloud skies most of the weekend. I had a full list of errands to run Saturday morning. I got up early and got as many of them done before lunch as I could. Ranae and I set up the back with cones and such and did an extended groundwork session before tacking up. Once saddled we did several steering exercises through the cones trying to use as little rein as possible. Her horse Dusty did much better than Jessie, but it still is not too bad for the little practice we've had. We did the 4-leaf clover exercise at both the trot and the lope. Jessie did excellent one way and poorly the other. We worked in the "simulated" clinic environment for about 90 minutes.
We rode early on Sunday out to our usual haunts. We did lope the big square and Jessie was very much improved over the last time we had an opportunity to do it. She still has a few steering issues and her speed isn't very consistent. Her lope is slowing down however, and that makes it much easier to sit. We rode for just a little over two hours and it was quite a lovely morning.
Once back it was clean-up time for the saddle, saddle pads, and bridle. We have most of the details set for the clinic beginning Friday afternoon. Matt says we'll start around 4 pm on Friday. Excitement is building...
That is awesome John! Who is going to take pictures at the clinic for us?
I've got the batteries all charged up and the memory card(s) emptied. I hope to fill them up enough to bore the snot out of everybody ;>)
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